Please note that if you are a business customer and signed up on a trial or subscribed to Clear Books prior to 1st September 2012 this will not affect you. You will still have access to our previous subscription plans: Growth, Established and Premium. This does not affect accounting partners either.
From the 1st September 2012 Clear Books is introducing new pricing plans for new business customers.
These are Micro, Expansion and Connect.
Micro is available to Sole Traders and will provide unlimited transactions, unlimited users and no VAT reporting. It will cost £9 + VAT per month.
Expansion is available for all small businesses and will provide unlimited transactions, unlimited users and VAT reporting. It will cost £19 + VAT per month.
Connect is available for all small businesses and will provide unlimited transactions, unlimited users, VAT reporting and priority support. It will cost £39 + VAT per month.
- I signed up to a free trial prior to 1st September 2012. Which pricing package applies to me? This remains Growth, Established or Premium.
- I am an existing accounting partner and plan to add a new client after 1st September – is there a price increase? No – accountant partner pricing has not changed.
@Ian – the old Growth plan has not changed and is still limited to 80 transactions.
@Tom – these new plans and prices are extremely competitive with our competitors.
@Tony – The support channels will remain the same for customers prior to 1st September 2012. With the new Connect plan customers will be paying a premium for Priority Support, details of which are outlined on our pricing page. Old customers can switch to any of the new plans if they choose.
@Tom – we’re better than our competitors
As you have paid up front for the annual plan this would certainly not affect you and regardless of that these new plans are for new customers.
Can you migrate from growth to micro as it is a cheaper option if you do not use the VAT accounting ? Support have moved me over but I have lost my subscription (ie no transactions / can’t use system). I wondered if such a migration was valid hence the loss of service
Over the last few months I have suggested companies move from sage Line 50 and Sage Payroll to Clear books due to it being an excellent product and value for money, I am surprised and don’t see how you can justify the price increases when open payroll is now as expensive maybe even more as Sage Payroll but it does not offer the same functionally or reporting. If I have 40 staff the pricing is £ 720 per year, this is very expensive for a basic payroll package. The same goes for clear books as it is a good product but it still has a long way to go and for £ 468.00 per year is expensive as most your competitors are half that price or even a 1 time purchase
@Chris – I believe your support issues are resolved but if not please drop the support team a reminder.
To answer your question – pre 1st September 2012 customers will be able to choose either the new or old plan.
I’m sure Tim and the team thought it through when changing the pricing plans and I’m sure it means ore money will go into development. (I’d like to see an android app)
On top of that time will tell if they have their pricing strategy right by the number of new customers that come on board and churn.
I’m currently on the established plan and will probably move to the micro package, seems good to me!
To follow up on some of the recent comments.
By introducing new plans with increased prices we will of course be increasing our revenue, all of which will be reinvested into growing Clear Books and the team to provide a better service to you, our customers.
This is the first time in our four year existence that we have introduced new packages/pricing. I am sure many of you, as fellow business owners, have increased your prices from time to time.
Prices have increased from a very low base. E.g. our old growth package at £5 was significantly cheaper than our competitors.
Our sole objective here is to grow and improve Clear Books faster to help you run your business better.