Happy Monday Clear Books users! We have some good news for you on this snowy day, there have been further time-saving feature updates which are now live in Clear Books!
Firstly we have now made it possible for you to automatically set up a recurring payment each time a recurring invoice or a bill is created. All you have to is create either an invoice or bill as usual, but just ensure you check the box named “Create payment/invoice on recurrence”. And that’s it, a very simple addition which should help you save even more time when using Clear Books.
As well as being able to duplicate bills and invoices already, you can also now copy any expenses that you may need on a regular basis (eg. regular train tickets to certain clients). Create your expense as usual, and when the expense is approved, you can make a copy of it the next time you need to repeat the process. This will enable you to just change the date, and have all other information pre-populated so you don’t have to waste time doing it over and over again.
We hope you find these new features useful, and value your feedback so please do let us know how you get on!